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  during the ninth five year period SMMC developed and researched homogenizing stacker/reclaimer, cantilever bucker wheel and gantry stackers/recclaimers for cement industry metallurgy industry and port dock;In2002, it manufactured 60 sets with output value of 180 million yuan homogenizing stacker/reclaimer for round stoclyard has taken
more than 90% of market pecentage of cement industry in whole China The newly developed stacker/reclaimer for cement production line with daily capacity of 10000 ton has been listed in national key Innovation development projects, and it successfully runs on key engineering project of Anhui conch group Co.

Slewing lateral cantilever stacker Feeding cart of lateral cantilever stacker's
Homogenizing stacker/reclaimer for round stockyard Homogenizing stacker/reclaimer for round stockyard
Stacker Lateral scraper reclaimer
Homogenizing stacker/reclaimer for stockyard Bridge tye bucket wheel reclaimer
Lateral cantilever stacker Bridge type bucket wheel stacker/reclaimer
Bridge scraper reclaimer Lateral cantilever stacker
Central scraper stacker/reclaimer Rectangle bucket wheel reclaimer for stockyard

Product Name

Trademark & Specification

Feature & Application


Homogenizing Stacker & Reclaimer

"Shenkuang" DB700/24 lateral type cantilever stacker, QG400/39 bridge type scraper reclaimer

With the stacking capacity of 700t/h and reclaiming capacity of 400t/h, used for rectangular stockyard

For the limestone stockyard

Homogenizing Stacker & Reclaimer

"Shenkuang" DXC100/17 lateral type cantilever stacker, CG70/24 lateral type scraper reclaimer

With the stacking capacity of 100t/h and reclaiming capacity of 70t/h, used for rectangular stockyard

For the auxiliary Material stockyard of cement plant

Homogenizing Stacker & Reclaimer

"Shenkuang" DB800/23 lateral type cantilever stacker, QG500/39 bridge type scraper reclaimer

With the stacking capacity of 800t/h and reclaiming capacity of 500t/h, used for rectangular stockyard

For the limestone stockyard

Homogenizing Stacker & Reclaimer

"Shenkuang" DX-300 top tripper car type, QG100/26 bridge type scraper reclaimer

With the stacking capacity of 300t/h and reclaiming capacity of 100t/h, used for rectangular stockyard

For the stockyard of cement plant

Homogenizing Stacker & Reclaimer

"Shenkuang" DX-110 top tripper car type, QQB220/32 bridge type scraper reclaimer

With the stacking capacity of 110t/h and reclaiming capacity of 220t/h, used for rectangular stockyard

For the limestone stockyard

Homogenizing Stacker & Reclaimer

"Shenkuang" DX-300 top tripper car type, QLB110/26 bridge type scraper reclaimer

With the stacking capacity of 300t/h and reclaiming capacity of 110t/h, used for rectangular stockyard

For the limestone stockyard

Homogenizing Stacker & Reclaimer

"Shenkuang" lateral cantilever stacker and lateral type scraper reclaimer

With the stacking capacity of 200t/h and reclaiming capacity of 70t/h, used for rectangular stockyard

For sandstone and iron ore stockyard of cement plant

Homogenizing Stacker & Reclaimer

"Shenkuang" lateral cantilever stacker and bridge type scraper reclaimer

With the stacking capacity of 600t/h and reclaiming capacity of 60t/h, used for rectangular stockyard

For the coal stockyard of cement plant

Homogenizing Stacker & Reclaimer

"Shenkuang" lateral cantilever stacker and bridge type scraper reclaimer

With the stacking capacity of 600t/h and reclaiming capacity of 350t/h, used for rectangular stockyard

For the limestone stockyard


"Shenkuang" DB2000/35 lateral cantilever stacker

With Max. Stacking capacity of 2000t/h

For quarry

Homogenizing Stacker & Reclaimer

"Shenkuang" YGD1100/95

Scraper type, with stacking capacity of 1600t/h and reclaiming capacity of 1100t/h, used for round stockyard

For the coal stockyard of the cleaning plant

Homogenizing Stacker & Reclaimer

"Shenkuang" YG400/80

Bridge type scraper stacker & reclaimer with stacking capacity of 750t/h and reclaiming capacity of 400t/h, being used for the round stockyard

For the limestone stockyard

Copyright @ 2004 Northern Heavy Shenyang Mining Machinery Group Co.,Ltd